Energy Aware Communities

Severn Wye pinwheel motif

Home energy efficiency support for everyone.

Across Gloucestershire, our Energy Advocates are working with local inclusion services to make sure everybody receives energy advice they can understand.

Why Energy Aware Communities?

Energy is complicated. For something that we all use day-in, day-out, many householders see bills come in, see direct debits going out and rarely stop to look at our meter readings, Standing Charges or kWh rates. What does a cubic metre even look like?

For those fortunate enough, energy bills are just another expense – like the internet or Council Tax – that comes out every month without needing too much thought. But for people in fuel poverty, whether the energy bill is high or low might mean the difference between being cold or running out of money.

Now consider communities with considerable challenges. People that are new to the UK, families with an unstable income, residents with specific educational needs, young carers or those who live with a disability. Understanding and navigating the complicated energy system can be extremely difficult for such groups.

Energy Aware Communities is designed to reach communities across Gloucestershire who experience these barriers, working on their behalf to fight fuel poverty, ensure energy justice and build independence.

Warm and Well

Across South Gloucestershire and Gloucestershire, we run a free energy advice line to support households to reduce their energy use, keep their bills down and make carbon-saving improvements at home.

What Severn Wye do

Three dedicated ‘Energy Advocates’ work alongside teams from Inclusion Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS) and Barnados to support communities that struggle to access and understand their home energy systems.

By producing specialist resources and working through trusted community partners, Severn Wye are able to help many households overcome fuel poverty and grow in confidence as they manage their home energy.

Advocates support families and individuals intensively, often negotiating with energy companies on their behalf and taking the time to make sure they get all the support they need to stay on top of their bills.

Other services provided by Warm and Well

The Warm and Well team tackle fuel poverty in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire using a number of innovative programmes.

Warm Homes Fund

Free first-time central heating

Affordable Warmth Solutions have partnered with Severn Wye to offer free first-time central heating to eligibile households, ensuring that they are warm and healthy through the winter.

Warm Homes Fund

Park Homes Funding

Recognising the link between inefficient park home properties and poor heath outcomes, Warm and Well have pioneered a programme funding whole-home retrofit and insulation to park home communities.

Smart Energy GB

Smart Energy GB

The over-65s are often left behind as our energy systems digitise. Warm and Well work with Smart Energy GB to support more elderly householders to embrace smart meters.

Smart Energy GB

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

As Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards improve through the 2020s, Severn Wye provide a bespoke EPC, report and retrofit roadmap to private landlords of inefficient properties.

Sustainable Development Goal 1 - No Poverty
Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing
Sustainable Development Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Development Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action

Our partners

Cheltenham Borough Council
Sustainable Development Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
Stroud District Council

Our funders

Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing